Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jackers Of the Swag...

you have to understand that at the end of the day...we all bit somebody to get where we are...its a fact of life...u took something from someone else...were all guilty of it...but the problem comes in when niggas take A SHARK BITE...i mean i hate when i have a good idea...pitch it to someone else then they doin the shit talkin about "i made that shit up" everybody talk about lil wayne and his piercings BUT i had piercing two years ago and niggas was like ew thas gey....get rid of EVERYBODY gettin em...THEN i started wearing different color skinny, white...shit like that...niggas was like "thats gey, those girl jeans" Wayne do it now EVERYBODY DOIN the yo don't hate on me for being ahead of the curve...and if somebody call you out don't be mad...niggas used to say i sounded too much like Lupe so i changed my subject matter...still tell stories but why not put a fat bitch in there every now and'mean? I guess you should be flattered but i takes a while to build a "style" so to speak...and for niggas to bite subject matter or songs...just isn't cool...(and just because the beat is different doesn't mean your not biting...yeesh)



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