Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Being FaithFul To Self Is Key...

so today was interesting...i went to the mall to...well to kill time...that is what you do in abilene...upon going to the mall i met some chicks that my homie we got to talking to them...its dope to hear a woman's point of view on issues...i started to tell them about where im from compared to TX...from there...the convo soured...i was talking to one female who is 18 (from texas but has lived all over) and another one who was 35 with two kids...the one from Texas understood where i was coming i feel held down by my surroundings...and how even tho i had money and everybody home is proud of me im very unhappy in my situation...there is no night life...people here are very fake...ENTER THE 35 year old who just couldn't get over herself...she begin to say how i reminded her of some band she saw on TV (which later we all identified as N*E*R*D) and how it was horrible...she said she hated the way i dressed...(she hated the fact i didn't want to match)....the 18 year old agreed...both of them saying that they wouldn't go any where with me JUST based off the way i dressed...beyond that they really knew nothing else about me...they later found out that i did music...which help them understand a lil more...(but they still said it wouldn't work) i was like...maybe i should...wear clothes that matched...make dance music and settle for a white girl (which is what most cats do in abilene) and they looked at my me like "BY GOLLY I THINK HE'S GOT IT"...before they replied "yes, exactly" mind shut down and said FUCK sorry...i have to do me...i have to salvage what little happiness i can in this hell i will continue to make the music i like...continue to dress weird...continue to be champloo...regardless of how people feel...cuz honestly i like the way i am...i can only be champloo...and to believe i actually second guess myself for a go back to the music thing...people have been hitting me up for cudi beats...and while im a cudi fan...i don't want to be homie...i want to be champloo...and even tho when i turn on the TV i don't hear my kind of beats...or even what i rhyme about that is a good thing right??? Cuz when Young Jeezy and the "snap" music was the hottest thing out i bet cudi was sitting in Brooklynn thinking the same thing...

COT DAMN Champloo! You're finally understanding...don't let these people get to you...

cuz im pretty sure the cats i look up too...never let the chatter of a few wack rappers and some even wacker females...stop them...



1 comment:

  1. lil homie I'm bout to tell you some real shit and you'll understand why I stay so emotionless towards outsiders...iff you're doing you and your main goal in is to get your life where you want it and it's not negatively effecting anyone your str8 and if anybody has a problem with you or wants to takes timeout to break you down or tell you why your life wont amount to shit if you don;t do things how they think you should...they're dumbasses and fuck em. don't spend negative energy on them or give them a second or first thought for that matter...fuck them...time will tell and one day they'll wake up and realize "champloo is te shit and he's doing his thing and my life sucks...I shouldve rode out with him rather than tell him everything he is or wants to be was wrong...doamn I see the light!"

    trust me it's happened to me and they always come in to the situation looking down their noses at you but in the end they try to come back into your life on their knees looking up at you!!!!!

    So all in all fuck em...fuck em all...get your life!

    remember those who matter don't care...those who care don't matter!!!!
