Tuesday, February 17, 2009

MM Digital Imaging Interview

At first glance, you might not even think that this photo was photo shopped. This mere picture was somehow transformed into a work of art. This transformation was made possible by the minds of MM Digital Imaging. Consisting of two brothers Marty, 22 and Matt, 20 who started the business in 2007 seeing the need of creative art and design in the small town of Abilene. They met a up and coming MC befriended him and does alot of his artwork.
so i hear.
I sat down with the brothers to bust they ASS in street fighter and oh yea talk a little about the business at hand.

Champloo: What are you listening to right now?

Matt: Lately I've been listening to a lot of animal collective. The band is a mix of folk and experimental.
Marty: Black Keys man. Its R&B but heavy on the blues. Their stuff is just crazy.

Champloo: Dope. What do you want the people to know about you?

Marty: We're just trying to make art man. Out here creativity is a rarity. People are truly afraid to be themselves. MM just wants to bring that back into photos. We tend to turn away people looking for photos for lets say weddings or certain business because that's not what were trying to do.

Champloo: What inspires you to create?

Marty: Music man. Everything from Rock to Hip Hop and everything in between.

Champloo: Does Hip Hop bring out a different side to the art?

Marty: I mean not really. Its all music to us, but we do listen to alot of hip hop.

Champloo: Who would you say are your favorites?

Matt: Kanye West, Common, P.O.S., and N*E*R*D. In Search one of my favorite albums.

Champloo: Word?! I just got it last week. I'm late (laughs)

Marty: I would have to say Jay-Z. The Blueprint is classic man. Biggie is a big influence on my art.

Champloo: How so?

Marty: I'm really into movies, and i feel like biggie told stories over beats. Just the images he created through words were simply amazing. A lot of his stories used to have surprise twists at the end. He'd come at you one way and end completely different. It just blows me away to listen to biggie sometimes. For the most part though we take inspiration from everything around us. We takes bits and pieces from everything and make the art that you see.

Champloo: What exactly are you roles? Like, who does what?

Marty: I take the photos and then I let Matt do most of the work. He's a genius man, I can tell him how something is in my head I'll come back and he'll have it exactly how I pictured in my head. I know I'm doing most of the talking but he does know what he's doing.

Champloo: So in a sense your Pharrell and he's Chad?

Marty: Uh, never thought of it like that but okay sure. (laughs)

Champloo: How do you combat the lack of creativity?

Marty: Honestly man. You were like the answer to all our prayers.


Marty: It's true. You let us do what we want. Your music and style is different. In our heads it's just crazy so to find somebody who is on the outside it helps.

Champloo: So you heard Champzilla. What do you think?

Matt: Good, i can't wait to hear the finished product.

Marty: I think its crazy. I'm a real big J.Dilla fan. I bought The Shining a while ago and was hooked from there. Rough Draft, Donuts classic.

Champloo: Matt boy you don't talk at all. (laughs)

Matt: Not really.

Champloo: I see your straight edge, what exactly is that?

Matt: Straight edge is just living you life pure. You don't use drugs, you don't drink, you just live life away from the ills. It just embodied me already so I went with it.

Champloo: Iight, I'm going to wrap this up. I'm getting tired of beating y'all in street fighter. What do you want to leave the people with?

Matt: Keep an open mind. Alot of people are closed minded out here and its so much their missing out on. Take time and appreciate the art that's around you. Can you imagine what people are missing out on that they would probably enjoy if they would just open up?
check em out.

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