Thursday, December 2, 2010

its a new day.

now this blog has been my baby for almost 2 years now...and for the most part i've posted what i've wanted until well about a year ago...when i had to only post things that wouldn't hurt feelings (gey)...but for any dude thats ever been in a relationship you have 50 million arguments about dumb shit all day last thing you wanna do is add my girl does what the average girl does when they are interested in me and check my blog...look for shit that pertains to them bitch about it and utterly ignore anything else up here...regardless if its about my music or not...she would get mad and say oh your going to hurt peoples feelings...and after hearing the same thing 80 billion times i was just like phuck it and stopped (for the most part) fast forward she got her a video blog now (can't even lie i am going to invest in it...just because i have a feeling it will take off) ...which i posted the other day...AND NOW she is getting backlash as seen by her last facebook status...basically telling people she is going to say what she wants -_- ....needless to say my blog is going to go back to the way it was...putting what i feel at a certain time...and blogging a human...regardless if i love somebody're not going to like everybody everyday and thats real...if somebody says different then they're fake....

i just got my freedom of speech back.

(lets clean this muthafucka up as well...get a new look going)



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